No one can doubt that Vidya Balan has arrived as an actor, an individual, a personna! -
One that we notice and whose movies we'll look out for! An opinion maker of sorts!
In an age of frenetic consciousness of size, grooming, appearance, self consciousness, the Joans'es and luxury brands, the gutsy girl next door Vidya Balan has left all the hoity-toity pretentious madams donning Gucci & Prada behind and won every award for her natural look, heaven may care extra pounds on her hip but most of all her endearing straight from the heart performances in films like 'Kahani' and ‘The Dirty Picture’.
One that we notice and whose movies we'll look out for! An opinion maker of sorts!

In an age of frenetic consciousness of size, grooming, appearance, self consciousness, the Joans'es and luxury brands, the gutsy girl next door Vidya Balan has left all the hoity-toity pretentious madams donning Gucci & Prada behind and won every award for her natural look, heaven may care extra pounds on her hip but most of all her endearing straight from the heart performances in films like 'Kahani' and ‘The Dirty Picture’.

The aplomb and abandon with which she essayed her roles left a moving impression so that I was thinking of her performances and her angst way after I walked out of the multiplexs. Especially 'Dirty Picture' , where shades of the real Vidya, the sparkling yet propah lady I know, in the gutsy ambitious rambunctious Silk came through. Silk chose to go it her way in a judgmental opinionated world. Only when she stops to think of the world that judges her does she falter. Vidya too has chosen to go with her gumptious decision to work with her sense of conviction.
Years ago when she was waiting her turn to audition for a role, she overheard some glamorous girls laughing about the ‘behenji’ Vidya who dared to dream of working a film with her in it.
Along the way of somewhat success, those words stayed with her, coupled with some press criticizing her dress sense. It rankled. In ones relationship with oneself, one is sometimes torn between ones idea of self and what one appears to the outer world.

Wake Up Moment
This moment is described by psychologists as the sign of trying to "wake up", causing both visible and hidden conflict and subsequent change in ones relationship with oneself. “From that day on I wore mostly saari’s and it reflected in my performances and my outlook. I began to see a change in my work and my critics were quietened. Its not about western or Indian, it’s about the fact that treading the beaten path is not a surety of success. It’s about enjoying what I’m doing. From within there was a shift to not do what is the accepted norm. I was being told that the Saari is an older dress while I find it timeless and ageless. There was almost a resurgence and reaffirmation of myself from that point, the ‘ I me and myself’ burst forth stronger than ever.”

Self realization is the awakening within us of the awareness of the goodness and the gifts of
who we really are, unique and different to all around us. It awakens one to the goodness and to the gifts and to the possibilities that are in the world, and it fosters a sense of self worth. Contrary to the adverse criticisms and hits we take as we grow up, the baggage we carry from unwarranted criticism and unasked advise. Approval should first be sought from within to feel that inimitable sense of self worth.
who we really are, unique and different to all around us. It awakens one to the goodness and to the gifts and to the possibilities that are in the world, and it fosters a sense of self worth. Contrary to the adverse criticisms and hits we take as we grow up, the baggage we carry from unwarranted criticism and unasked advise. Approval should first be sought from within to feel that inimitable sense of self worth.
“I chose to do what I believe in......

whether its clothes or roles I am doing what is giving me joy. Vis Silk, the character from Dirty Picture, for me as an actor its very important to believe that such people exist. Any character one has to empathise with drawing from personal experiences and then essay the role. When I read the script what struck me was that she was celebrating her individuality, was unapologetic about her self. Judgement of other people doesn’t matter.
When Silk fell prey to what people saw her as, it was the beginning of her downfall. For me throwing out debilitating judgement and negative criticism was my awakening.”

“I’d attribute my success to that faith in myself. I feel unconditionally loved by my family. They have always allowed me to live life on my own terms, to be myself without judgement and overdosed criticism, giving me faith in myself. I feel unconditionally loved. That's were it comes from and that's what allows me to filter out the negative. I also have much faith in God.”