Personal Vignettes & Shades

Nisha JamVwal's IPL Fashion Finale ‘I’m In Love Again’

IPL Fashion Finale With Nisha JamVwal’s ‘I’m In Love Again’
Nisha JamVwal
Tweet Nisha @nishjamvwal

Nisha JamVwal
Nisha JamVwal
Nisha JamVwal at the IPL Fashion Finale
Nisha JamVwal at the IPL Fashion Finale

Nisha JamVwal“One of the strangest motives that lead men to art and science is to escape from everyday life with its painful cruelty and hopeless drearyness from the fritters of ones own ever shifting desires” - Einstein.

Fashion is that extravagance I allow myself to indulge in for entertainment of my soul & a shot in the arm to my design genes! So when Prasad Bidapa convinced me to create a collection for the grand finale of the IPL, I allowed myself this ‘recreation’. For the dreamy pre-monsoon clouds, my first thought was romance, love, streaming sunshine thorough moody clouds, and so I came up with – ‘I’m in love again’.

Nisha JamVwal

Every collection is entitled by me when I approach ‘the canvas’, as an artist, who approaches a collection, an interior site, a photo shoot, a graphic design in the same vein as it were a canvas upon which I essay a kaleidoscopic painting.

Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs
Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs

For me fashion is that sporadic urge to create clothes like art, like canvases, that say something, to the person that wears and the person that views.
And ofcourse me, the creator. And you the reader of this blog?

Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs
Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs

Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ DesignsHere is a collection that captures the essence of a woman in love, her anticipation and sensuality, the haunting imagery of falling in love that comes through in the couture created for this show on for the IPL, yes I did ‘I’m in Love Again’ some years ago too, but these are a rebirth, and then love is an everlasting emotion right? One that is as natural as our breath, a piece of paradise so primordial that we ‘rise’ in love almost without knowing we’re even going there isn’t it?

Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs
Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs
Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs

Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs

Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs
Models Cavort & Carouse & Sashay in Flirty NJ Designs

Behind The Scene Nisha JamVwalThe clothes recapture the euphoria, excitement and sex appeal of the moments of falling in love, and do not succumb to the frump of prosaic silhouttes! This collection done in layers with a shadow-play also brings out the mystique and fragrance of a woman in love, carousing, delightfully dancing, nearly skipping in the excitement of the moments of this ecstatic emotion.

Behind The Scene Nisha JamVwal

So here’s also a sneak peak on the back stage shenanigans, exclusively for MissMalini- the drama that goes into the show, the fun of it all, the spats, brats & last minute ‘chats’ that can get even hot under the collar!

Behind The Scenes with Nisha JamVwal
Behind The Scenes with Nisha JamVwal

But the show must go on, and so it did, to an exhilarated audience of cricketers, overjoyed audiences, estatic DJ Amit, elated hyped Prasad Bidapa, and your’s truly, me.

Behind The Scenes with Nisha JamVwal (Bottom-Left: NJ with DJ Amit) (Bottom-Right: NJ with Prasad Bidapa)
Behind The Scenes with Nisha JamVwal (Bottom-Left: NJ with DJ Amit) (Bottom-Right: NJ with Prasad Bidapa)

Behind The Scenes with Nisha JamVwal
Behind The Scenes with Nisha JamVwal

Written & Published Originally With MissMalini
By Nisha JamVwal