Personal Vignettes & Shades

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

innocent elemental passionate Nisha JamVwal (1994)

I Seek Not Imortality......................
These hours of mirth
these joyful days....
i beseech you lord
don't let them go,

This blissful haze,
friendships beguiling chord,
formed at this stage
never fall low

sadness and gloom
not seen as yet
depressions malevolent mould
Int the past not met,

and if by your will it may be
middle aged peevishness
never to see
nor old aged impotence to bear...........
and in your holy reverence

I would like to always be
young and liquid as a running brook
and sing life's pleasant melody,

But lord or all that ever were
I don't ask immortality
.....may my life be short but sweet
led not by lusts hollow fallacy
but tender naked love to meet
to bleed willingly and joyfully
in innocent elemental passionate heat

-never to learn hard truths of life
to never see in mans desperate strife
the sweat , the hurt , the strangled cry

in facing life's restless endless tides,
never give up but always try

to live a euphoric brilliant life
unencumbered rise to seek
fullness of heart , a spirit high
and oh lord, if in your glory be
then shield me from all pain that be
from the overwhelming concrete sea

This piercing noise-unending din
but let me ever live to see
mountains , forests, natures kin
-to hear the stillness of the night
-aspirations of the light hearted wind
my hears only desired sight

Written when I was at high school & Pictures
from that time too!
Nisha JamVwal


  1. Nisha,

    Thanks for the beautiful poem..
    Yep the sweet, the hurt, the strngled cry.

  2. MILIND_003(from twitter):
    no words.. Nisha u r awesome..

  3. hello are u...i am very impressed to now more about u....u are really a true indian beauty with brain.....keep it up....sai bless u...jai sai ram......(adeetya mohta)
