Personal Vignettes & Shades

Friday, April 27, 2012

Adventurous Marriage

Marrying Into Different Cultures

In India people are still not completely comfortable with inter religious marriages so marriages into different cultures might definitely take much adjustment. Even when one marries someone of the same background- differences in habit and viewpoints crop up. 

Speaking styles, styles of arguing, teasing, listening, child rearing, protocol with each others parents, monetary responsibilities, issues come into play when you belong to two different worlds -literally.  Georgetown University linguistics professor Deborah Tannen, author of I Only Say This Because I Love You: How the Way We Talk Can Make or Break Family says intercultural couples often attribute disagreements to other factors when the real cause is a difference in conversational style. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Pressure Of Sex

The Social Pressure Of Sex & Fear Of Missing The Bus

Is it just sex or is there some lingering fragrance of romance in our times? In this super-fast age, people might just have misunderstood their urgency to get into the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am mode for romance and poetry. 

All he wants, right after finding a woman attractive, is to cut the chase and get on with it. Shout his 'prowess' between the sheets from the rooftops and hope like hell that that's what'll make the relationship tick. 

He's barely met you, you've not even shared a first kiss than the self acclaimed Lothario, speaking of how good he is in bed, starts making emands.

The magic of those lingering moments of togetherness, the brush of the hand that sends a flame down the chest, the exchange of a look, the lingering backward glance of longing- is nearly extinct.

Romance is not overt in the face, it’s in thoughts, gestures, actions and the eyes. It creeps upon you like a sensuous dream and stays with you hours after the moments of intimacy. 

Sex, infatuation, physicality are being confused with love, romance, intensity and depth, and all are different states of being. 


Friday, April 6, 2012

Tulip Joshi On Live In Relationships

Tulip Joshi On the (ir) relevance of Marriage

A television chat show I participated in with a group of well known faces  set me thinking. The subject was the relevance of marriage in today’s age. Living in being the choice in our times. Is Marriage just man made institution that is pertinent in our times and should one legalize a relationship or should it be a free flowing trust based living in with one another, where you walk out if things don't pan out as you had planned.